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Solar Power Know The Facts
Using solar power just makes good common sense especially when you have all the information you need to make the right decision.
Solar Info America
Everyday life solutions for homes and businesses.
Everyday life solutions for homes and businesses.
It only takes 8 easy steps to save with solar...
STEP# 1 – Electric Bill Submission
You Provide a copy of your electric bill so we can see how much energy your home needs.
STEP# 2 – Custom Design Creation
We create a free proposal custom designed for your home to show you exactly where the panels will be placed on your home.
STEP# 3 – Financing Options
We present you with multiple financing options to get you qualified with $0 down with approved credit.
STEP# 4 – Site Survey Scheduled
We schedule a site survey for your home to inspect your roof, attic and electrical panel to ensure your home is a good fit for solar at $0 cost toy you.
STEP# 5 – Engineering & Permitting
We have our engineers complete your approved final design and pull all necessary permits needed to install your solar system.
Step# 6 – Schedule Installation
We send our team of well trained professional to install your solar system, inverter and and ant additional items within 1-2 days.
Step# 7 – Final Inspection
We schedule your final inspection with your local utility company to ensure your solar system has been properly installed and operating properly.
Step# 8 – Permission to Operate
Congratulations! It’s time to turn on your Solar System and Start Saving. You’ve done your part to help save out planet for future generations.
Solar Energy is now being used all over the world as people learn more about the benefits of using solar power.
- North America
- South America
- Africa
- Europe
- China
- Australia
Anyone who uses energy can take advantage of solar energy to power their lives. Solar Info America can help you with the entire process of choosing the right Solar Installer to professionally install a solar energy system on your home, to understanding how it impacts the value of a home.
Solar energy is quickly becoming more popular as people are learning about benefits of using solar power and how it can help them potentially save thousands of dollars in energy cost.
U.S. Solar Installations
The U.S. has Surpassed 2 Million Solar Installations as solar soars to new heights, forecasts expect solar installations to double by 2023.
U.S. Solar Industry Growth
The Residential Solar Market value in US is set to grow by USD 5.99 billion, progressing at a CAGR of 10% from 2020 to 2025, as per the latest report by Technavio.
Years Of Experience
Solar Info America was founded in 2012 on the premise that we’re all equally responsible for doing our part to help protect and save the planet future generations.
If you have any questions or need help, please feel free to reach out to us anytime: 703-493-1203